Central High FFA Labor Auction

by Elizabeth Pitts-Hibbard

The National Gold Emblem Central High FFA Chapter invites you to attend and enjoy the fellowship and good times that are traditionally found at the Central High FFA Labor Auction. The sale will be held Tuesday, November 5th at 7:00 pm in the Central High Agriculture Building. A great meal, which is free to the public, will be served prior to the sale at 6:30 pm. The Central High FFA chapter and the chapter parents provide the meal, which offers sliced beef, pulled pork, and Polish sausage for meats with potato salad, BBQ beans, and cole slaw with a selection of desserts. Over forty select FFA members, the FFA advisor, and the FFA officer team will be offered for labor. Each person donates eight hours of his or her time to be sold at auction to the highest bidder. The buyer of each member’s time will receive a Central High FFA cap. The buyers of the two members with the highest sale price for their time will receive the right to put a whip cream pie in the face of the purchaser at the conclusion of the auction. In addition to labor, cakes, pies, meat, and lots of other items will be sold. The proceeds from the auction help support the Central High FFA Chapter’s expenses and activities, such as National FFA Convention, State FFA Convention, livestock show supplies, leadership conferences, and chapter supplies.

Those who are unable to attend, but would like to make a donation or bid on a member’s time, or would like additional information may contact RJ Curry, Central High FFA Ag advisor at 580-658-6110 at the school or on his cell at 580-591-3986.