Outlaws Basketball Team hosting Friday's Burger Meal

October 19, 2022
Members of the Marlow Outlaws Boys' Basketball team are ready to grill and serve burgers Friday before the game against Sulphur. Doors at the cafeteria open at 5 p.m. for the tailgate-style meal. Photo by Toni Hopper/The Marlow Review Members of the Marlow Outlaws Boys' Basketball team are ready to grill and serve burgers Friday before the game against Sulphur. Doors at the cafeteria open at 5 p.m. for the tailgate-style meal. Photo by Toni Hopper/The Marlow Review

Members of the Marlow Outlaws Boys' Basketball team are ready to grill and serve burgers Friday before the game against Sulphur. Doors at the cafeteria open at 5 p.m. for the tailgate-style meal. There will be grilled burgers, baked beans, chips, desserts and drinks, with orders available. There is a meal cost ($10 at the door) at the cafeteria. Proceeds benefit the basketball team. Cheerleaders, Bootleggers, and the MHS Marching Band will arrive around 6 p.m.