Central High FFA’s auction benefits chapter program
Central High FFA members will host its annual Labor Auction and Ag Appreciation Dinner, Thursday, Nov. 3, at the school’s new gymnasium.
CH FFA chapter and chapter parents provide a meal to guests prior to the event. The auction starts at 7 p.m. Dinner begins at 6:30 p.m. Ag advisor, Derek Mitchell, said this year 89 FFA members, and the FFA officer team, will be auctioned. Mitchell is also on the list of those to be auctioned.
“Each person donates eight hours of his or her time to be sold at auction to the highest bidder,” he said. “The buyer of each member will receive a Central High FFA cap.”
There’s more for the enjoyment of the audience. Buyers of the two highest-selling members will have the right to put a whip cream pie in the face of their FFA member (purchase) at the end of the auction. In addition to the labor, there will be cakes, pies, meat, and many other items to be sold. Proceeds from the auction help support the CH chapter’s expenses and activities.
They attend State and National FFA conventions, leadership conferences and there’s always a need for livestock show supplies and chapter supplies.
“If you or someone you know cannot attend and wish to make a donation or purchase an FFA member, (call me),” Mitchell said. Call the school at 580-658-6110, or email – dmitchell@central.k12.ok.us.
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