Dear Santa letters deadline is noon Friday

by Toni Hopper
Trinity and Kambrie Keller add their
“Dear Santa” letters to an antique
mailbox Tuesday after school. The
authentic USPS box was found in the
basement of the Marlow Post Office
early Tuesday morning, Dec. 6. Postal
workers believe it to be from the 1930s
and they were not aware of its exis
tence until this week. The girls are the
daughters of Ashley Keller. Photo by
Toni Hopper/The Marlow Review Trinity and Kambrie Keller add their
“Dear Santa” letters to an antique
mailbox Tuesday after school. The
authentic USPS box was found in the
basement of the Marlow Post Office
early Tuesday morning, Dec. 6. Postal
workers believe it to be from the 1930s
and they were not aware of its exis
tence until this week. The girls are the
daughters of Ashley Keller. Photo by
Toni Hopper/The Marlow Review

It is time for our upcoming annual Dear Santa letters edition! Marlow, Bray-Doyle and Central elementary schools – our deadline is noon, Dec. 9, in order for our staff to type them and get them to our layout and design department. Letters can be emailed to our editor, Toni, at

You can also bring them to us anytime between now and Dec. 9. Teachers, please include your school, teacher’s name and grade. Students only need to add first name when signing the letters.

If you homeschool your children, you can also submit Dear Santa letters to us in the same manner. Parents and guardians who have smaller children, including pre-school, who can’t write out their letters, please write it for them in their words. All letters should be sent directly to or delivered in person.

Advertisers and individuals who want to help sponsor this time-honored tradition should begin contacting us now, as that deadline is Dec. 16. Contact Miranda,

Our office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday-Thursday, and until noon on Friday; and there are times we may both be out of the office for a short time. Our number is 580-658-6657. We are looking forward to a great edition of Dear Santa letters, but definitely need your help in making this happen.