Sulphur cancels wrestling duals for Thursday, senior night to be recognized Tuesday on Homecoming night if weather cooperates

by Toni Hopper
Zach Dawson in a recent Outlaw wrestling dual at the Marlow gym. Photo by Miranda Hance/The Marlow Review Zach Dawson in a recent Outlaw wrestling dual at the Marlow gym. Photo by Miranda Hance/The Marlow Review

Marlow Athletic Director Daryn Brantley issued an email Monday based on some changes that will impact this week’s wrestling schedule.

“Earlier this afternoon, Sulphur canceled the junior high and high school dual scheduled for this Thursday, Jan. 26. Per their request, this match-up will not be rescheduled.”

Senior Night was scheduled for Thursday night between the junior high and high school matches. Since that was the last regular-season home dual, we are planning to move Senior Night to (Tuesday, Jan. 24), he said. This is the meet against vs. Newcastle. It also happens to be homecoming for the wrestling program. Brantley said this will make a busy night for Outlaw athletes and fans. Outlaw basketball is set to play at Lexington also Tuesday night.

Because of forecasted winter weather, Brantley is prepared to postpone the wrestling duals, with hopes of rescheduling those, as well as the homecoming and senior night ceremonies. If that happens, those events will be moved to Monday, Jan. 30.

There are junior high basketball games scheduled that night against Washington. But, those games can be played in the Dome Gym - if this change is made, he said.

“We apologize for the inconveniences created by all of this. However, we simply don't have any control over schools canceling. And, we for sure don't have control over Mother Nature.”

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