BREAKING NEWS: Arrests made in Bray-Doyle area burglaries

Two arrests were made this week in the ongoing investigation of a string of thefts and burglaries throughout the Bray-Doyle community, east of Marlow, in recent weeks. Stephens County Undersheriff Rick Lang said because the case is ongoing, with the possibility of more arrests, he couldn’t provide detailed specifics or release the names of the individuals who were arrested.
“Investigator Tim Vann discovered a pattern in the reported thefts and burglaries as to area and mode of operation. Sgt. Brad Jenkins made all deputies aware of the available information and ordered saturation patrols of the affected area,” Lang said. He said that the information was also provided to Oklahoma State Troopers who patrol this region.
“With the help of Trooper Sheldon Glass, Investigator Vann and our Stephens County Deputies we were able to gather enough information to seek a search warrant for a particular residence in the Bray-Doyle area. We have so far made two arrests and the investigation is ongoing.”
He said the thefts have included a variety of items, from home items to car parts. Trooper Glass is very active in patrolling that area of the county,” Lang said. When official charges are filed by the Stephens County District Attorney’s office, The Marlow Review will update that information.
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