‘Snake Oil Lady’ presentation at Patio Garden Club meeting
The Marlow Patio Garden Club met at 1 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 9, at the Garland Smith Public Library. President Bettie Cooper called the meeting to order and welcomed new member Inga Kruger. Cricket Holland gave a devotional followed by Dina Atnip who gave the treasurer’s report.
Roll call was answered by saying your name and telling something that you really enjoy doing. Members present were Sandy Alexander, Mrs. Atnip, Suanne Buckley, Mrs. Cooper, Annette Davis, Judy Glover, Judy Hawkins, Joyce Hodge, Mrs. Holland, Kathye Malcom, Darla Muller, Erin Nash-Jones, Jackie Neely, Tina O’Connell, Ann Petty, Jeanette Powell, and Debra Tupin.
In old business, Mrs. Cooper called attention to an article in The Marlow Review listing winners of a recent art contest. Patio member Sandy Alexander was chairman of the contest and oversaw the selection of winners. New business: Jackie Neely, who is also a member of Comanche Garden Club, invited Patio members to a Succulent Pot Party at 1 p.m. on March 14, at Gardentown Nursery. A demonstration will be given on the proper way to plant succulents. Afterward, the ladies may make their own pot with all supplies
being provided for $40.
Registration forms for the Oklahoma Garden Clubs Spring Convention on April 17-18 and will be hosted by the South Central District garden clubs. Patio Garden Club will be in charge of a workshop entitled “Make & Take Flower Frogs.”
Registration forms for South Central Region of Garden Clubs Spring Convention to be held April 19-21 were also handed out to members. Both conventions will be held at the Embassy Suite in downtown Oklahoma City.
Lesson for the day was entitled “The Snake Oil Lady” led by Mrs. Cooper. She began by saying “to clarify, there are no snakes here today!”
Dressed in 1880s attire, Mrs. Cooper assumed the role of a snake oil salesman as they were known for during that time period. In her humorous, informative demonstration, a variety of “healing” ointments, lotions, vapor baths, inhalations as well as an aids digestive anti-inflammatory, anti-antispasmodic and an anti-infective medicine were offered for sale. The main ingredient for these potions was Chamomile which was also used to make a strong tea for internal illnesses.
After her performance, Mrs. Cooper said interest in herbal remedies and the market for them has exploded in the last two decades and can be purchased at any retail stores today.
“Today it is estimated more than $5 billion dollars annually is made on the sale of herbal products,” she said.”
“The interesting thing is that Chamomile is one of the most popular herbal teas in the world but it is so much more than that,” she added. “It is used as a wonderful fragrance in your gardens; it stimulates memory, brings relaxation and joy whether using in a bath or as a tea; it makes a wonderful companion crop to cucumbers and onions by enhancing their growth.”
Next meeting will be held at the Madill conference on March 9. Mrs. Cooper encouraged members to let her know if they are going by calling her at 580-641-1350.
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