Puppies bring joy to yoga sessions

by Toni Hopper

You have probably heard of goat yoga, but a local yoga studio has taken that idea and made it, well, might I say, better. Considering my experience with goats and their head-butting shenanigans, puppies seem a safer alternative. Based upon the images Donelle Gregston provided, it could entice nearly anyone who loves dogs to try yoga.

After all, our dogs go with us on trips, to the lake, swim in our pools, run alongside us when jogging, riding a bike or skateboarding. Why not include them in yoga exercise and relaxation.

One of Gregston’s studio members, Lori Wright from Velma, provided eight golden retriever puppies on Saturday, July 8, for a puppy yoga class.

“Puppy Yoga quickly became a sensation among yoga enthusiasts and dog lovers alike,” Gregston said. Callie Miley and Laura Files led the class.

“As the yoga mats were unrolled and participants settled into their practice, the delightful presence of the golden retriever puppies added an extra layer of joy to the atmosphere. The adorable furry friends wandered around, their wagging tails and playful energy spreading smiles across the room. From the first downward-facing dog to the final savasana, the puppies remained close by, providing endless cuddles and showering the attendees with affectionate nips,” Gregston said.

It now appears the puppies are in demand.

“The enchanting combination of the physical and emotional benefits of yoga with the pure joy of puppy companionship seemed to be the perfect recipe for ultimate relaxation and contentment.”

Gregston said the next planned puppy yoga session will be with Bark in the Park, which is an annual fundraiser for the Stephens County Humane Society. For more information on Puppy Yoga at the Bark in the Park event, call Gregston at 580-441-7471.

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