City Council meets Thursday
Marlow City Council's monthly meeting normally falls on a Tuesday. This month it will take place Thursday evening, July 27. It begins at 5:30 p.m. in the council chambers at city hall.
Among the agenda items for discussion and possible consideration:
The purchases of a 2024 Chevrolet pickup from Joe Cooper Chevrolet on State contract #SW0035 in the amount of $43,126.00 for the Cemetery
Department; a 2020 Dodge Durango pursuit vehicle from Kansas Highway Patrol in the amount of $29,350.00; a 2024 REAP grant for engineering
services of Chisholm Trail Consulting for storm drainage, water and sewer projects; and possible action to approve the 10 - year Capital Expenditure Plan
for the 2024 REAP application.
Also, a contract with Chisholm Trail Consulting for storm sewer replacement under the American Rescue Plan Act funding, not to exceed $63,145.00; the purchase of additional shelving and book displays for the Garland Smith Public Library using funds from the Special Library Fund in the amount of $19,645.38. All of these items are for discussion, consideration and possible action.
The Marlow Municipal Authority board meets immediately following the city council meeting. On its agenda are the following items, also for discussion, consideration and action:
The purchase of five 25KVA single-phase pole mount transformers and one 500KVA three-phase pad mount transformer from Sunbelt Solomon in the amount of $38,580 for the Electric Department; the purchase of wire stock for the electric department from AECI Utility Sales in the amount of $82,210 for the Electric Department; the purchase of a 2024 Chevrolet pickup from Joe Cooper Chevrolet on State contract #SW0035 in the amount of $42,293.00 for the Water/Sewer Department; action to allow staff to develop specifications and seek bids on an Electric Digger Truck; action to seek bids on a Bucket Truck; the consideration to purchase 45 class 2 electric poles from Arkansas Electric in the amount of $25,950.00.
Both meetings allow for approval of consent agenda items for the previous meeting that was held June 27, city administrator comments, trustee and councilmen comments, and in the regular council meeting, the treasurer's report prepared by D.B. Green.
Meetings are open to the public.
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