Celebrating American Education Week

November 16, 2023
Stephens County Retired Educators hosted area legislators, from left, Sen. Jessica Garvin, Rep. Marcus McEntire, and Rep. Brad Boles, on Thursday, Nov. 9, in discussing the upcoming session dealing with education and other important issues. Also pictured is Terri Keck, retired educator. Stephens County Retired Educators hosted area legislators, from left, Sen. Jessica Garvin, Rep. Marcus McEntire, and Rep. Brad Boles, on Thursday, Nov. 9, in discussing the upcoming session dealing with education and other important issues. Also pictured is Terri Keck, retired educator.

Each year, American Education Week takes place the week prior to the Thanksgiving holiday. It was first celebrated in 1921, with the National Education Association and the American Legion as co-sponsors, and grew out of a national concern over illiteracy. After more than 100 years, the original goal of Education Week - to generate public awareness and support for public education - continues today.

American Education Week serves as a team of people who work with our students, everyone from classroom teachers, administrators, support personnel, substitutes, and parents.

It honors and thanks them for the work they do every day to make sure that our students are safe and are ready and able to learn.

Each year, the Stephens County Retired Educators recognize first-year teachers coming into the profession. Congratulations to each young educator who was presented with a $100 check to help in starting their career. Those receiving awards this year were: Mikayla Stephenson, Marlow; Amanda Tillson, Bray-Doyle; Shelbie Smith, Central High; Amanda Harris, Empire; Jennifer Stewart, Velma-Alma; Brittany Holland and Sidni Blalock, Duncan elementary schools; and Cameron Ethridge, Duncan High.

"We, as retired educators encourage you to acknowledge the dedication and hard work of our educational community during this American Education Week," said Terri Keck, retired Marlow Elementary teacher.

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