Polling place change for March election

January 04, 2024

The polling place for Precinct #32 in Marlow has changed, said Angie Dunagan, Secretary of the Stephens County Election Board. Voters in Precinct #32 formerly voted at the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 202 N. Sixth St., in Marlow.

Effective immediately, the new polling place will be the Marlow Family Life Center, 212 N. Fourth Street in Marlow. The first election held at the new location will be the Presidential Preferential Primary scheduled for March 5.

The polling location was moved as the previous location is no longer able to provide the space needed. Voters who have questions or concerns, should contact the Stephens County Election Board at 580-255- 8782 or StephensCounty@elections.ok.gov. The County Election Board is located at 1075 W. Elm Ave. in Duncan. Office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.