Holy Cow!! Blessings Galore in 2024 for Samaritans

by Cricket Holland
HOLY COW! This young heifer may one month be donated to the Marlow Samaritans .... read the article for more information. HOLY COW! This young heifer may one month be donated to the Marlow Samaritans .... read the article for more information.

Of my years working at the Marlow Review, I never faced a task like now ....

As it was those many years ago, I didn't do much writing, that was left to the editorial and feature writing pros like Harbour Whitaker, Del Ruth Skaggs, Janiel McLain, Sharon Bullard and the Review's Editor today Toni Hopper. Although I was trusted to write an obituary now and then. It wasn't too difficult since I had all the facts: name, birth date, death, jobs, life events and family members.

So my problem is this: How does one go about writing a feature story and not mention any names? They want to remain anonymous --- no publicity or platitudes - just to be anonymous for deeds that will touch families during 2024 through the Marlow Samaritan Food Bank.

As of Dec. 31, we have 320 families on our food bank list. Now, not all 320 come every month as their situations and needs change, but on the average we have between 250 - 260 families who either come inside our pantry to shop or drive up for groceries each month. We NEVER turn away anyone who needs food regardless of what your phone says, or your internet, or `face book' or `tic toc' ... well, I think you get the idea. No one should ever go hungry... no one. Providing food to hungry families is a priority to our organization; plus, we help with utilities, prescriptions, gasoline to doctor appointments, etc. We do this because emergency situations are always unexpected to any family and we want to be able to help. But that's another story.

Back to my attempt at writing: Let's call my main character Peter (which I hope you realize is not his real name). Peter was impressed in his heart about a need he had recognized in our community. So how does one go about trying to fill this need without wanting any praise or recognition? And it's an enormous task ... not sure it can be taken care of ... doubts arise.

Who to ask for help ... Peter knew and asked the One who never lets him down and always has an answer or plan to be carried out. Peter prayed to God for help. He knew it was a task far too great for him to accomplish but with God's help it was surely possible.

As a volunteer at the Marlow Samaritans, we often do not have the finances to purchase large quantities of meat for our clients ... I'm sure you all have recognized price increases in your food budgets too. Well, Peter happened to hear of this "need" for good, lean meat for the food bank (which we count as a provider of protein for families today).

"I asked God to help me in this endeavor thinking I might get a few farmers or ranchers to donate an animal to the Samaritans but never dreamed the Paul's and Mary's (anonymous donors) of our community would come through like they did. I had 14 willing to donate one animal one time during 2024 and they could say which month they wanted to donate ... I was amazed! And thankful," Peter said.

I was excited when he shared this news with me! I knew everyone would be so grateful to hear that the food bank would be receiving an animal once a month during 2024 BUT perplexed as to how we could possibly pay for the slaughtering and processing fees. Since we rely on donations from our community and a few grants ... our new budget simply would not stretch that far. Most processing fees are around $750 per animal. Doesn't take a mathematician to know we could not afford the fees.

So what does Peter do? He goes back to God and seeks guidance again. How can we raise the funds for the processing of each of these animals? And it was made clear to Peter that other Paul's and Mary's of our community would be willing to provide funds and that his helpmate (wife) would be of great assistance to his dilemma that he felt he now faced.

Together Peter and Wife came up with names of people who might possibly want to help financially with the fees. "In fact, Wife came up with people I hadn't even thought of!"

"Again, I was blown away at the response of 15 businessmen and businesswomen (some retired, some still working) of our community who began bringing me checks to help with processing," Peter exclaimed. "You simply can't out give God and He has blessed us in so many ways through so many people."

January will bring an animal donated by a "Mary", a local farmer/rancher and in February "Paul" will donate another, and in March another "Paul" will donate......quality and quantity through 2024 for the food bank to distribute. Such gifts, such generosity, such love!

Some may say, well it's just ground beef! Yes, it is! Good, lean beef and there must be hundreds if not thousands of recipes using hamburger meat! I can think of several as I write this but that's another story for another day.

Today we simply want to let you know about a man called Peter and how the Paul's and Mary's of our community are making a difference in the lives of many people. As far as this writer is concerned all of our donors are Marlow Samaritans and we are so very grateful for your desire to "Help Us, Help Others."

There is no other place I would want to live out my earthly life than Marlow, Oklahoma. Surrounded by folks who truly care and will go the extra mile ... a community ready to serve others!

May our God continue to bless each of you during 2024. He certainly has blessed the Marlow Samaritans. We could not exist without financial support and volunteers from our community.

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