State President visits Patio Club

by Cricket Holland
PAINTING WATER FROGS: Annette Davis, left, and Jackie Neely enjoy painting a water frog that will be placed in one of their favorite pots. The frogs will supply needed moisture to their plants that have been brought inside to protect them from the bitter cold of winter. PAINTING WATER FROGS: Annette Davis, left, and Jackie Neely enjoy painting a water frog that will be placed in one of their favorite pots. The frogs will supply needed moisture to their plants that have been brought inside to protect them from the bitter cold of winter.

Members of the Marlow Patio Garden Club met on Thursday, Jan. 11, at 1 p.m. for their monthly meeting. Held at the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, in Marlow, special guest of the day was Carolyn McCabe.

Mrs. McCabe, who serves as Oklahoma State Garden Club President, praised the large group in attendance and thanked the ladies for hosting the upcoming South Central District Spring Convention to be held in Marlow on March 21.

The meeting was opened by President Bettie Cooper, followed with a devotional by Cricket Holland. Mrs. Holland shared a poem written by former Pastor Gene Jorgenson entitled "Just Listen".

Mrs. Dina Atnip gave the treasurer's report followed by roll call. Those in attendance included Sandy Alexander, Dina Atnip, Suzanne Buckley, Mallary Burch, Lynnita Conway, Bettie Cooper, Annette Davis, Judy Hawkins, Cricket Holland, Kathye Malcom, Darla Muller, Erin Nash-Jones, Jackie Neely, Ann Petty, Jackie Richardson, Nana Shrader, Melanie Spence and Debra Tupin. Guests along with Mrs. McCabe were Sharon Wagoner, Sharon Messenger, Frances Haun and Novelyn Spence.

In the new business session: Club voted to donate $300 to Father Victor Kurapati of Pradesh, India, an honorary member of Patio Garden Club; was shown the Oklahoma Throw purchased by the group to be used as a display at functions; members were asked to begin thinking of a community service project to take place in 2024; reminded of the upcoming Master Gardening Short Course being offered. It's a six week course and will be held in Walters and Duncan each Tuesday beginning Jan. 27 through Feb. 27. Classes will alternate between the two towns; finalization of the upcoming Spring Convention was approved with each member being responsible for a portion of the meeting to be held at the Green Door.

In old business, Mrs. Cooper reported the form submitted for the South Central District Pollinator Award had earned the club $100 cash prize; announcement of the South Central Regional Convention in Little Rock, Arkansas on April 24-25; next meeting for the club is set for Thursday, Feb. 8th at the Garland Smith Public Library at 1 p.m.

The meeting concluded with a lesson on making water frogs for pots. Mrs. Cooper and Mrs. Atnip supplied all the materials and refreshments were enjoyed as members painted their frogs.

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