County Commissioners agenda includes ARPA projects discussion, multiple pay claims and fairground rental agreements
Stephens County Commissioners' weekly meeting is scheduled for 9:30 a.m. Monday, Feb. 5 at the county courthouse in Duncan.
This week's agenda includes the following items:
Call meeting to order, and possible action to approve: minutes of the previous meeting; payment of purchase orders and issuance of any blanket purchase orders; any county utility permits.
ARPA Grant Projects discussions that are scheduled:
*The Board will hear from Commissioner Morgan and/or Construction Manager, Ken Shaw, regarding the ARPA grant and/or ARPA projects for Stephens County and will possibly take action on said discussion.
*The Board will discuss and possibly take action regarding a quote from Covenant Security Equipment for a Mid-Sized Transaction Station with Bullet Resistance Glazing for the ARPA Annex Upgrade Project.
The Board will discuss and possibly take action to approve a Master Service Inter-Local Contract between Education Service Center-Region 19 Allied States Cooperative (ASC) and Stephens County (Agency) to provide the Agency with independent contracts and/or offerings of each of the programs and services that ESC-R19 (ASC) provides through ESC Region 19 ASC.
The Board will discuss and possibly take action to approve Capital Outlay Purchases for January 2024.
The Board will discuss and possibly take action to approve a Transfer of Funds - Adjustment to Disbursements between the 911 Phone Fund and the Sheriff Service Fee Fund for E911 Dispatching and partial salary amounts for dispatch employees for February of Fiscal Year 2023-2024.
The Board will discuss and possibly take action to approve a Transfer of Funds - Adjustment to Disbursements between the 911 Phone Fund and the Assessor Revolving Fee Fund to cover the monthly salary amount for an Assessor employee to assume E911 addressing responsibilities which began June 1, 2017.
The Board will discuss and possibly take action to approve a Transfer of Funds - Adjustment to Disbursements between the Donations Fund and the Jail-ST (Jail-Sales Tax) Fund for jail employees' partial salary amounts for February of Fiscal Year 2023-2024.
The Board will discuss and possibly take action to approve a Transfer of Funds - Adjustment to Disbursements between the ARPA Aerial Imaging Project and the General Fund (SO-2, 0001-1-1700-2005 account) for the reimbursement of funds previously paid to Pictometry for the deposit for aerial imaging which was paid by the Assessor's Office on PO #724 warrant #46 in FY 21-22. The project was then approved to be paid using ARPA funds.
At 9:45 A.M. the Board will open Bid #2024-18 and will discuss and possibly take action to award the lowest and best bid for the purchase of Three (3) 500 Gallon Sprayers for Stephens County District #3 located at 182560 N. 2810 Rd., Comanche, OK 73529.
The Board will discuss and possibly take action regarding the Opioid Abatement Grant Application for Stephens County.
The Board will discuss and possibly take action to adopt a Resolution to Reimburse the General Fund and direct the Stephens County Treasurer to deposit check #038033 from the Association of County Commissioners of Oklahoma in the amount of $2,764.12 into the Emergency Repair account of the General Fund described as 0001-1-2000-2999 (R-5) for reimbursement for damage to an Emergency Management vehicle which occurred on 1/7/24.
The Board will discuss and possibly take action to adopt Resolutions to accept the following donations:
*1,800 tons of oil-based drill cuttings from Backyard Environmental on behalf of Stephens County District #1.
*125 tons of 1-1/2" of Crusher Run to be used on E. 1660 Rd. between N. 2990 Rd. and N. 3000 Rd. on behalf of Stephens County District #1.
The Board will discuss and possibly take action to approve the following 12 Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) Pay Claims for this project and varying amounts:
*Project 1790 Over East Cow Creek, J/P: 33554(04) for Parcel #1 - .20 Acres of Permanent Easement for Public Highway, Parcel #2 - .71 Acres of Permanent Easement for Public Highway, Parcel #2.1a - .01 Acres of Temporary Construction Easement and Parcel #2.1b - .02 Acres of Temporary Construction Easement with a total claim amount of $906.25 in District #3 (Claim 1 of 12).
*Project 1790 Over East Cow Creek, J/P: 33554(04) for Parcel #1 - .20 Acres of Permanent Easement for Public Highway, Parcel #2 - .71 Acres of Permanent Easement for Public Highway, Parcel #2.1a - .01 Acres of Temporary Construction Easement and Parcel #2.1b - .02 Acres of Temporary Construction Easement with a total claim amount of $906.25 in District #3 (Claim 2 of 12).
*Project 1790 Over East Cow Creek, J/P: 33554(04) for Parcel #1 - .20 Acres of Permanent Easement for Public Highway, Parcel #2 - .71 Acres of Permanent Easement for Public Highway, Parcel #2.1a - .01 Acres of Temporary Construction Easement and Parcel #2.1b - .02 Acres of Temporary Construction Easement with a total claim amount of $302.08 in District #3 (Claim 3 of 12).
*Project 1790 Over East Cow Creek, J/P: 33554(04) for Parcel #1 - .20 Acres of Permanent Easement for Public Highway, Parcel #2 - .71 Acres of Permanent Easement for Public Highway, Parcel #2.1a - .01 Acres of Temporary Construction Easement and Parcel #2.1b - .02 Acres of Temporary Construction Easement with a total claim amount of $302.08 in District #3 (Claim 4 of 12).
*Project 1790 Over East Cow Creek, J/P: 33554(04) for Parcel #1 - .20 Acres of Permanent Easement for Public Highway, Parcel #2 - .71 Acres of Permanent Easement for Public Highway, Parcel #2.1a - .01 Acres of Temporary Construction Easement and Parcel #2.1b - .02 Acres of Temporary Construction Easement with a total claim amount of $302.08 in District #3 (Claim 5 of 12).
*Project 1790 Over East Cow Creek, J/P: 33554(04) for Parcel #1 - .20 Acres of Permanent Easement for Public Highway, Parcel #2 - .71 Acres of Permanent Easement for Public Highway, Parcel #2.1a - .01 Acres of Temporary Construction Easement and Parcel #2.1b - .02 Acres of Temporary Construction Easement with a total claim amount of $90.63 in District #3 (Claim 6 of 12).
*Project 1790 Over East Cow Creek, J/P: 33554(04) for Parcel #1 - .20 Acres of Permanent Easement for Public Highway, Parcel #2 - .71 Acres of Permanent Easement for Public Highway, Parcel #2.1a - .01 Acres of Temporary Construction Easement and Parcel #2.1b - .02 Acres of Temporary Construction Easement with a total claim amount of $120.83 in District #3 (Claim 7 of 12).
*Project 1790 Over East Cow Creek, J/P: 33554(04) for Parcel #1 - .20 Acres of Permanent Easement for Public Highway, Parcel #2 - .71 Acres of Permanent Easement for Public Highway, Parcel #2.1a - .01 Acres of Temporary Construction Easement and Parcel #2.1b - .02 Acres of Temporary Construction Easement with a total claim amount of $120.83 in District #3 (Claim 8 of 12).
*Project 1790 Over East Cow Creek, J/P: 33554(04) for Parcel #1 - .20 Acres of Permanent Easement for Public Highway, Parcel #2 - .71 Acres of Permanent Easement for Public Highway, Parcel #2.1a - .01 Acres of Temporary Construction Easement and Parcel #2.1b - .02 Acres of Temporary Construction Easement with a total claim amount of $60.42 in District #3 (Claim 9 of 12).
*Project 1790 Over East Cow Creek, J/P: 33554(04) for Parcel #1 - .20 Acres of Permanent Easement for Public Highway, Parcel #2 - .71 Acres of Permanent Easement for Public Highway, Parcel #2.1a - .01 Acres of Temporary Construction Easement and Parcel #2.1b - .02 Acres of Temporary Construction Easement with a total claim amount of $60.42 in District #3 (Claim 10 of 12).
*Project 1790 Over East Cow Creek, J/P: 33554(04) for Parcel #1 - .20 Acres of Permanent Easement for Public Highway, Parcel #2 - .71 Acres of Permanent Easement for Public Highway, Parcel #2.1a - .01 Acres of Temporary Construction Easement and Parcel #2.1b - .02 Acres of Temporary Construction Easement with a total claim amount of $226.56 in District #3 (Claim 11 of 12).
*Project 1790 Over East Cow Creek, J/P: 33554(04) for Parcel #1 - .20 Acres of Permanent Easement for Public Highway, Parcel #2 - .71 Acres of Permanent Easement for Public Highway, Parcel #2.1a - .01 Acres of Temporary Construction Easement and Parcel #2.1b - .02 Acres of Temporary Construction Easement with a total claim amount of $226.56 in District #3 (Claim 12 of 12).
The Board will discuss and possibly take action to approve a Cooperative Agreement to make conservation works of improvement to diminish erosion and siltation of right-of-way between Dakota Stowers and Stephens County. The County will remove trees and perform ditch work for approximately 1,900' along the west boundary of Section 2, Township 2 South, Range 6 West in District #3.
The Board will discuss and possibly take action to approve the following Stephens County Fair & Expo Center Rental Agreements by and between the Stephens County Fair & Expo Center "Fairgrounds" by and through the Stephens County Board of County Commissioners,
*Lindsay Emerson for a Barrel Race event to be held in the Stephens County Arena on February 9-11, 2024.
*Loreca Clampitt for a Birthday Party event to be held in the Heritage Room on February 24, 2024.
*Mary Casteel for a Birthday Party event to be held in the Harvest Room on February 24, 2024.
*Makayla Gonzalez for a Birthday Party event to be held in the Harvest Room on March 2, 2024.
*Aubrey Spivey for the Nicole Nichols Legacy Foundation Car Show event to be held in the Stephens County Arena on March 16, 2024.
*Ed Naff for a Family Reunion event to be held in the Winchester Room on April 27, 2024.
*Robert Smith for a Family Reunion event to be held in the Heritage Room and the Harvest Room on September 14, 2024.
Other business includes any discussion on report from Commissioner Morgan regarding the Stephens County Fair & Expo Center; New Business; and Adjournment.
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