Bray-Doyle Public Schools recognizes National FFA Week - February 17-23, 2024
Bray-Doyle FFA program celebrated National FFA Week, Feb. 17-23. Highlighted were the team officers, noted below.
Ethan Fisher - President
Like his fellow FFA officers, Fisher began his ag interest in 4-H and advanced to FFA in high school. He credits FFA for his ability to feel comfortable speaking in front of large groups. He also has made many friends throughout the country. "FFA has helped me find my passion for agriculture and leadership, and give me so much more confidence in myself. It also introduced me to some of my best friends and mentors." Fisher is involved in FCA, FCCLA, National Honor Society, and plays basketball and baseball. He plans to attend Oklahoma State University to pursue an ag business degree, or ag education.
Jaiden Poston - Vice President
"FFA has not only impacted my life, but it's truly changed it forever." Poston first became involved in ag in 2[nd] grade. While in FFA, Poston's achievements include placing 3[rd] in the Central Area CDE Warmup contest meats evaluation. Poston enjoys making an impact on the community and has gained better confidence through public speaking. Also involved in FCA and a member of the National Honor Society.
Jackson Anderson - Secretary
I first became involved in FFA when I got into 8[th] grade. Accomplishments include meat judging, welding competition and attending National Convention. I'm also involved in basketball, baseball, welding, business and hay baling.
"FFA has change my life in many ways. I really appreciate all the people and competitions and events. I plan to pursue a career in Agriculture and be a welder."
Lexi Renfro - Treasurer
"The FFA has helped me to become a better leader, and find a passion in doing so. I plan to use my knowledge with agriculture to become a Game Warden because I love to educate others about animals and enforce the law." Renfro is a third year FFA student, first involved in 8[th] grade. She placed 3[rd] in the Central Area meat evaluation CDE and takes advantage of every opportunity to help within the community of Bray and with anyone in need. "I helped lead the Empire Leadership Conference and show other kids how to be a leader." She is also on the softball team, Student Council and is a drum major in band. She likes building project trucks and is involved with Ray of Hope Church and Union Valley Church.
Brody Whitney - Reporter
Whitney has "always been involved in agriculture" but joined FFA in 8[th] grade. Highlights have been attending both the State and National Conventions, and ag mechanic welding. "You might outgrow the jacket but you will never outgrow the experience. I plan to stay involved in agriculture for the rest of my life." Whitney also is a member of the Bray-Doyle football team, basketball and baseball teams. Rodeo ranks high on Whitney's activities, as does attending Hope Church.
Judson Dorman - Sentinel
Since 3[rd] grade, Dorman has been in the ag barns. "FFA has improved my conversation skills, and given me experiences I won't forget." Dorman earned a 3[rd] place on the meat judging team. Also is band president and a member of the SCOBDA Honor Band, plays basketball, and is a member of the FCCLA group, Gifted and Talented and on the E-sports team at Bray-Doyle High School.
A full-page featuring these officers and a few photos was sponsored by Bray-Doyle Public Schools, in the February 22, 2024 edition of The Marlow Review. Additional copies can be purchased at the newspaper office during open hours.
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