Easter, a time of renewal and hope
Happy Easter!
Growing up, being raised in church, I often took the meaning of the Easter holiday for granted. Bunnies, egg hunts and candy filled baskets, or our traditional excursion for an Easter Sunday dress were things I fondly remember. Taking my children to church and teaching them and others about Jesus Christ, and his love for all, was the most important role I believe I had and have to this day. It isn’t about easter egg hunts or getting dressed up, but the memories that mark the celebration for our hope in salvation.
Spring is a time of renewal, for Christians, it signifies the Son of God, who was crucified and died on the cross, but arose from the dead on the third day giving us the chance for a new life in Christ. It is a message of love, forgiveness, and hope. Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross offers the opportunity for forgiveness of sins and eternal life to all who believe in Him and ask and trust him to be their savior. This act of love is a profound demonstration of God’s grace and mercy towards humanity.
In a self-absorbed time that cries out - longing for - “something else”, something better, and never enough – we are reminded in the Bible that we are always enough and that with Christ we can accomplish anything. History continues to write the story of unrest, sickness, weakness, and rage but also offers a different lens exemplified through the Easter story, that doesn’t focus on cultural or ethnic differences but unifies everyone in love. A significant reminder of hope during this time of upheaval is found in our Easter story and throughout scripture. I believe, we are all created on purpose, for a purpose and such a time as this.
We find hope in the resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday. This event signifies victory over sin and death, offering us the promise of eternal life through faith in Him. 1 Corinthians 15:20-22 tells us, “But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep, for as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive.”
We find hope in the forgiveness of our sins through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. Romans 5:8 reassures us: “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” The Easter story reminds us of God’s incredible love and grace, offering us redemption and a fresh start.
We find hope in the promise of God’s presence and guidance through the Holy Spirit. Jesus reassured His disciples in John 14:18, “I will not leave you as orphans ; I will come to you.” During Easter and beyond, we can trust in the constant presence of the Holy Spirit to comfort, guide, and strengthen us in our faith journey.
I wish all of you, our readers, a joyous Easter filled with love and wonderful memories. May we embrace hope with grateful hearts and live in the power of Christ’ love.
>>> Clarissa Williams is CEO and co-owner of Lewis County Press, owner of this publication in our family of local community publications (LCP). She is also host of Shine Messengers, a Christian podcast and streaming channel. This column is representative of her personal view and not necessarily the views of this publication.
Source: The Bible, Bible Chat App
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