Council approves grant for tech upgrades at library, reconsiders hazardous property on McNeese St.
The top item of Tuesday’s monthly City Council meeting was moved to the bottom of the hazardous property list because owner Rene Roman has been working to improve the
condition. The property at 711 W. McNeese has become unsightly over the years. For a property to attract the attention of the city, several factors are considered. This includes
dilapidated structures which, through neglect, have become a hazard to the health, safety, or welfare of the general public. Other factors include the accumulation of trash or the growth of weeds or grass have caused the property to also pose a health and safety issue to the public.
City Administrator Jason McPherson said that because the owner has been working on the property, at this time, no other action was taken.
Council approved Ordinance 459 to amend the City of Marlow Code of Ordinances pertaining to Police Regulations regarding controlled dangerous substances (CDS). “Possession” was added to the ordinance. With that agenda item, they also approved to adopt the Emergency clause of Ordinance 459 as defined by O.S. 14-103 necessary for the immediate preservation of peace, health or safety.
City council also approved accepting a $207,696 private grant for technology additions and upgrades at the Garland Smith Public Library. The original plan was to funnel the grant
through the Friends of the Library, but the benefactor asked for the city to accept the grant. The benefactor (group) also wished to remain private. McPherson said that this funding will allow security upgrades, Wi-Fi hotspots, and new computers throughout the library.
Other items approved at Tuesday’s meeting:
*Contract with Rent.Fun, LLC. for a Kayak rental kiosk to be placed at Lake Taylor for a one-time fee of $19,000. That could be installed in late spring or early summer. It will provide four kayaks, a paddle and one-size fits all life vest. An app will allow users to take advantage of kayak rentals.
*Ordering two police units under the 2024 agreement with Enterprise Fleet Management. Those vehicles will arrive under the FY2025. Future units ordered under the ’25 contract will not need council approval based on a contract signed earlier this year.
*Renewal of the FY24 Public Mowing Contract through FY25 with Chad Thomas, for $13,200.
*Accepting the Southwest Oklahoma Regional transportation planning organization “SORTPO” planning grant.
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