April 04, 2024
The annual MHS Art Auction is 7 p.m. Thursday, April 11, in the new high school campus Safe Room. 
Showing off donated items that will be available, are art students, left to right: Caden Davis, Madyson Worthley, Brody Brantley, Kade Killgore, Wyatt Osborne and Rex Freeman. Photo submitted by MHS art teacher Arlyn Brantley The annual MHS Art Auction is 7 p.m. Thursday, April 11, in the new high school campus Safe Room.
Showing off donated items that will be available, are art students, left to right: Caden Davis, Madyson Worthley, Brody Brantley, Kade Killgore, Wyatt Osborne and Rex Freeman. Photo submitted by MHS art teacher Arlyn Brantley

“It’s Now or Never” if you want to contribute to the annual MHS Art Auction that happens 7 p.m. Thursday, April 11, in the new high school campus Safe Room.

Donated items will be auctioned. This event benefits the MHS art program. Students have created several pieces of art that will be auctioned. Local businesses and individuals have also donated items for the auction. Local artist Janet Loveless donated a variety of her original oil paintings with subjects like bunnies, chickens, a fisherman, flowers and a rural country landscape with a barn in the background. Graham Insurance Agency, a regular advertiser with The Marlow Review, donated a 44-piece unbreakable camping dinnerware set that includes a camping food bag, items for everyone’s favorite camp snack “S’mores!” a scented fire log and more.