Stephens County Commissioner’s Agenda for Monday, April 15, 2024 regular meeting
The county commissioners meet at 9:30 a.m. every Monday morning in the Stephens County Courthouse in Duncan.
Call meeting to order.
The Board will discuss and possibly take action to approve the minutes of the previous meeting.
The Board will discuss and possibly take action to approve the payment of purchase orders and issuance of any blanket purchase orders.
4. The Board will discuss and possibly take action to approve any county utility permits.
5. The Board will hear from Commissioner Morgan and/or Construction Manager, Ken Shaw, regarding the ARPA grant and/or ARPA projects for Stephens County and will possibly take action on said discussion.
6. The Board will discuss and possibly take action to approve the Court Clerk Records Management and Preservation Monthly Report for March, 2024.
7. The Board will discuss and possibly take action to approve a Transfer of Appropriations within the ARPA Fund.
8. The Board will discuss and possibly take action to approve a Transfer of Funds – Error Correction to correct an apportionment made from Miscellaneous Receipt #412 whereby amounts were transposed and apportioned incorrectly into the Clerk Lien Fee Fund instead of the Clerk Records Management and Preservation Fund.
9. The Board will discuss and possibly take action to approve executing a County Deed Property Acquired at Resale as submitted by the Stephens County Treasurer regarding a tract of land described as Lot 3, Block 32, Head Addition, County of Stephens, State of Oklahoma.
10. The Board will discuss and possibly take action to adopt a Resolution to accept a donation of 2,500 yards of dirt from Calvin Kirkland on behalf of the Stephens County Fair & Expo Center.
11. 9:45 A.M. The Board will open Bid #2024-22 and will discuss and possibly take action to award the lowest and best bid for Crack Sealing, Sealcoating, and Line Striping/Marking of the Stephens County Fairgrounds Asphalt Parking lot located at 2002 S. 13th Street, Duncan.
12. The Board will discuss and possibly take action to approve a Stephens County Fairgrounds Alcoholic Beverage Concession Agreement by and between the Stephens County Fair & Expo Center “Fairgrounds” by and through the Stephens County Board of County Commissioners and Teisha Seely for the Texhoma Longhorn Sale to be held at the Stephens County Fairgrounds on April 26-27, 2024.
13. The Board will discuss and possibly take action to approve a Stephens County Fair & Expo Center Rental Agreement by and between the Stephens County Fair & Expo Center “Fairgrounds” by and through the Stephens County Board of County Commissioners and ABBI American Bucking Bull, Inc. for the ABBI American Heritage South event to be held in the Stephens County Arena on May 3-4, 2024.
14. The Board will discuss and possibly take action to approve a Stephens County Fair & Expo Center Rental Agreement by and between the Stephens County Fair & Expo Center “Fairgrounds” by and through the Stephens County Board of County Commissioners and World Series of Team Roping Qualifier for a Team Roping event to be held in the Stephens County Arena on July 12-14, 2024.
15. Discussion on report from Commissioner Morgan regarding the Stephens County Fair & Expo Center.
16. New Business.
17. Adjournment.
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