June 3 Comissioner Meeting Minutes: Fairgrounds and more

The Stephens County Commissioners’ June 3 meeting saw several items discussed and approved, including an update on on-going fairgrounds improvement project.
The meeting began with Motion the approval of payments of purchase orders, including an overage on blanket purchase order #4096 in the amount of $273.06 from the General Fund, and issuance of blanket purchase orders.
The commissioners then approved an Application for Permit for a Commercial Right of Way Activity & Roadway Borings from Continental Resources, Inc. to erect, construct, and maintain a driveway along, upon, or across the county highways or road(s) for the purpose of transporting, selling, and using a well pad to enter off the E1730 roadway.
The Board heard from Ken Shaw, Construction Manager, and/or Commissioner Morgan regarding the ARPA grant and/or ARPA projects for Stephens County.
At the Annex, Shaw reported that a mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held for the roof.
Bids opened Monday, June 10th. Bids will also opened for a storm shelter at the Health Department.
Shaw received some information back from the Fire Marshal and expects a change order to add a fire alarm in the Election Board area.
Later there was a motion by Murphree, seconded by Morgan to approve a Transfer of Funds – Adjustment to Disbursements between the 911 Phone Fund and the Sheriff Service Fee Fund for E911 Dispatching and partial salary amounts for dispatch employees for June of Fiscal Year 2023-2024.
Another transfer of funds was also approved between the 911 Phone Fund and the Assessor Revolving Fee Fund to cover the monthly salary amount for an Assessor employee to assume E911 addressing responsibilities which began June 1, 2017.
Motion by Murphree, seconded by Morgan to adopt Declaration of Surplus Resolution #2024-52 for certain items of equipment on behalf of the Stephens County Assessor. Voting: Morgan, aye; Murphree, aye; Churchman, aye. Items are as follows: ID# H-218-39, AMD Computer Workstation; ID# H-299-126, Asus Computer Workstation; ID# H-299-143, AF3 Computer Workstation.
The Board opened six-month Bid #2024-23 for Rock to be picked up by county trucks with prices effective July 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024.
One bid was accepted from Dolese Bros. Two bids were not accepted due to incomplete paperwork.
The Board opened six-month Bid #2024-24 for Concrete to be used by Stephens County at various locations and project sites within the county with prices effective July 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024. One bid was accepted from Dolese Bros, 8300 N. Oklahoma Ave., Oklahoma City, OK 73114.
The Board opened six-month Bid #2024-25 for Oil & Emulsion Products to be used by Districts #1, #2, and #3 with prices effective July 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024. Bids were accepted from Ergon Asphalt & Emulsion, Inc., Vance Brothers and Wright Asphalt Products Co
Motion by Morgan, seconded by Churchman to award the six-month bid for Oil & Emulsion Products to Ergon Asphalt & Emulsion, Inc.
The commissioners then approved Cooperative Agreement #2024-99 for the purpose of making conservation works of improvement to diminish erosion and siltation of right-of-way between Payton & Toby Presgrove and Stephens County.
The County will be clearing trees for new fence using excavator working south approximately 1/10 mile south of intersection on N2930 Rd. & E1760 Rd. (Cherokee Rd.) on the east side of N2930 Rd. working south approximately 4/10 mile to property line. After the tree removal, the motor grader to level ground for new fence along the east boundary of Section 19, Township 1 South, Range 6 West in District #2.
The comissioners then approved the Stephens County Fair & Expo Center Rental Agreement #2024-100 by and between the Stephens County Fair & Expo Center “Fairgrounds” by and through the Stephens Conty Board of County Commissioners and Marilyn Coady for a Family Reunion event to be held in the Heritage Room on June 22, 2024.
Commissioner Morgan wanted to report to the Board updates regarding the Stephens County Fair & Expo Center. Morgan stated that updates to the parking lot will be delayed due to the weather. Each district will be helping to haul dirt from Bray Cemetery to the Fairgrounds for the Fairgrounds Upgrade Project.
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