Marlow Samaritans bring joy this holiday season

December 20, 2024

Samaritans Christmas Basket Distribution
Sign up time for the annual Marlow Samaritans Christmas food boxes has closed and now it’s time to get ready for the distribution coming this Saturday. 
Beginning Thursday, Dec. 18, volunteers will gather all food goods that have been donated and deliver them to the First Baptist Church Life Center located on North 4th Street. 
Once collected, sorting and counting will begin at 8:30 a.m. on Friday, Dec, 19th. Items will be sorted by, i.e. green beans, corn, cereal, etc. 
“Anyone wishing to help with this endeavor is welcome to come, even if it’s only for a couple of hours, we can use your help,” said Cricket Holland, of the Samaritans.
“None of this would be possible if it were not for all the wonderful volunteers who give of themselves in order to help other families during this Christmas season,” she added.
Beginning on Saturday morning, Dec. 21, at 10 a.m., those who signed up can line up on 4th street and will be directed to pick up their boxes.
 “Students, on all three campuses, have worked hard to make Saturday a reality by providing canned goods for the 249 families who signed up; local businesses have helped by providing cereal, chickens, butter, eggs, bread and canned goods. This just wouldn’t happen without all of these people!” she said.
Directions for picking up the boxes will remain the same as the past few years. Cars are asked to line up on 4th Street, heading south; Marlow’s volunteer Firemen will assist in directing cars to their proper place and volunteers will gather names and sheets for clients to sign.  (Drivers are asked to obey signage displayed by the City street dept. as it will help create good traffic flow.)
“The Firemen keep everyone organized and in proper lanes for speedy pickup service,” Holland said. “In the past, they have stood in freezing rain and never complained. 
“Our community is filled with good people, really good people! There are just so many, many folks who make this a great event in so many different ways…. they are all Marlow Samaritans!” Holland said.

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